Friday, 24 August 2012

My 12 Week Challenge

I've just taken a deep breath to try and work out where to start...

A few nights ago as I was waiting for my daughter to fall asleep, I was browsing through Facebook and saw that one of my friends had liked Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation page. I was intrigued, so I clicked on it. On a complete whim, I joined up. In hindsight, it was a good move. I have no regrets.

Seeing as this is a food blog, I think it's pretty evident that I love food. However, my sisters wedding is coming up, as is summer and I think it's time to get back to my pre-baby body if not, even better.

I'll be honest, I don't really exercise. My job is physical and since having my daughter I've cut down on the number of days I work so without those hours of physicality and a bigger interest in cooking, the kgs have crept on. I would like to lose about 10kgs on this journey which will get me lighter than what I used to be and I'm determined to do it. My hubby has already screwed his nose up as there was no chocolate in this weeks grocery shop. lol Sorry honey.

The program kicks off on Monday and I have to admit, I'm a bit excited. I kind of want to see if I actually can do it. My mum and sister are also doing it so we have each other to keep egging us on. The exercise program is pretty full on. It'll be interesting how I fit it around work and my daughter. Usually she tries to join in when I dance so maybe when I'm doing pushups she'll come and sit on my back. :)

I'll blog about my journey. The good and the bad. I'll be honest and maybe if you're reading this, it might inspire you to also get up and active. As this is a food blog, I'll try to stick to the food side of it as much as possible and blog about the exercise component on my other blog.

The recipes I've seen are interesting. Lots of fresh herbs which I love. Hardly any pasta which makes me scared. haha

But the best thing is.... we can still have coffee!!! Let me hear a resounding wooo hooo!!!

Cross your fingers for me! We start on Monday. ;)


Jessica said...

haha noooo cupcakes! What will we do? herbal tea for dessert.... :(

ALR said...

I know! The cupcakery are going to think we moved or something!

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